Markdown to Site

Markdown to Site is a NPM package that converts a folder containing markdown files to a static website.

It automatically creates the menu, search engine and the table of contents. If there are subfolders with markdown files it will create the submenus accordingly.


On the link below you can find an example of website generated with md-to-site:

Example Screenshot


npm install -g md-to-site

How to convert markdown files to a website

Run the command below in the directory that contains your markdown files:

md-to-site -b

It creates a new folder called build that will contains the HTML website.

Optionally, you can specify a source folder and/or a target folder:

md-to-site -b --source ~/Desktop/markdown --target ~/Desktop/docs_site

For more information please type md-to-site -h for the help.


If you have images or other assets in your markdown folder, then you have to transfer them manually into the folder where you compiled the files.
The author of this package did not want to copy other asset files automatically because you might not want to copy personal files.

List of Parameters

-b, --build         Builds the website from the markdown code.
--site-title        Title of the website: it will appear on the title tag and
                    on top of the menu; default is "Docs".
-h, --help          Print the help.
--index             File name that will be set as index.html. By default is
          ; if there is no then it will be the
                    first occurrence.
--source            Directory of the source folder containing the markdown
                    files; the default is the folder where the command is run.
--target            Directory where the compiled HTML are going to be stored;
                    the default directory is ./build
-v, --version       Print the version.

NOTE: if the arguments --site-title, --index, --source or --target contains
spaces then wrap the string in quotes. EG: --site-title "My Docs Title"


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